Went to Chop Suey last night with Emelio, Forrest, and Veronica. It was pretty cool. We went to go eat something before the show. Boys payed for dinner <3. We had vegetarian pizza and it was amazingly good; half with olives and half without because emelio is picky lol. Chop Suey was a really cute place, never been in there before, but its a good atmosphere. Watched all of Tennis Pro, The Lonely Forest, and a few songs of Ludos. The Lonely Forest killed it though. Talked to the Bass player after his set and he said that they're playing with Cloud Cult this friday @ numos. I really want to go see that cause i love Cloud Cult, but im going to be at Green River CC for that Choral summit. ERG. maybe if it doesn't get out late, i can book it out there. Anyways, we watched like 1 song of ludos and then left because everyone had to be up early for school and work and shit and we still had to drive back home. I was seriously calling alseep while i was on my way home, not good.
I was soooo fuckin tired this morning. I set my alarm for 7:30 (my class is at nine) and i kept pressing snooze and didn't get outta bed until 10. if i press snooze, my alarm goes off every 5 minutes! how the hell did i sleep through that!?!? Ha. OH, i woke up this morning and was cleaning my ears (totally random, i know) and realized that i lost my OTHER treble clef earring. i was pissed, its probably somewhere on my bed.
well i should start getting ready if i wanna get parking for fuckin class.
I'll post pictures from last night later on tonight or something.
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