Monday, March 9, 2009


What's up 100th blog post?!!?
Now on to what a really wanted to blog about....

So it's been a while since I've been in a relationship with someone ( or a somewhat healthy one anyways )
Thought I would weigh the pros and cons of dating; according to me anyways, so here we go...

let's get the bad stuff out of the way...
*being emotionally/physically drained - I find that when I'm dating a person that I get consumed in it (like most people) but I was talking to someone about how whenever something is going wrong in my relationships that I tend to get sick, physically sick. Now I'm not sure if I'm the only person who experiences this, but if I'm in a little tiff with my significant other, or if something is botherig me a lot, I feel like throwing up, totally sick to my stomach. I'm pretty sure that it's not normal for people to get physically sick from shit like that (I'm pretty sure that there's a medical term for that, anyone know it? Let me know what I'm suffering from.)

* constant 2nd guessing - I think that this issue has nothing to do with the other person and that it's all on me. I have been fucked over one too many times, and naturally, have some trust issues. I apologize for always second guessing and being suspicious, but I won't change my ways until someone proves me wrong.... I'm thoroughly convinced that 95% of men out there are douchebags and will take whatever they can get if they know that they can get away with it. Actually scratch that, I think that men AND women are capable an willing to do that to each other.

*loosing moolah - being in a relationship really does drain ones bank account. I remembe that when Jarrid and I dated I spent a lot of money on shit; food, movies, gifts, etc. If you're in a relationship make sure that your bank account can handle it.

Now onto the good things...
*love - Trevor told me once that I'm a hopeless romantic, and after all these years, it still holds true. I, LOVE having a connection with someone else that is totally different from everything else in your life. Different from family, co workers, friends, all of that.... I think that connection is something that everyone should experience. It's nice being able to have something that pure and rewarding as love is.

*pushing each other - call me crazy, but I like being tested when I'm dating someone. To me, I think it builds a lot of good characteristics in one another. In relationships you're forced into situations that may make you uncomfortable, but you learn how to deal and react. You build up will power, confidence, compassion. Nothing is as trying as being in a relationship.

Hmmmm 3 against 2. That's definately all I have to say about the subject... But it's almost 3 in the morning and I'm fuckin tired.
Ill continue this tomorrow.

Goodnight lovelies.

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